Urduseek.com - Chat Log in to post comments Comments what is the meaning of Jaamsad? loverboy_dhaka - Fri, 2006-07-28 11:48 what is the meaning of Jaamsad? pls tell me someone abc abdul hannan - Mon, 2006-07-24 18:52 xyz sargodha abdul hannan - Mon, 2006-07-24 17:27 main kon hoon??? to sargodha Unname - Wed, 2006-08-02 18:32 aik na malum insan:) Salam Allah Alykum All, I Razz - Thu, 2006-07-20 12:24 Salam Allah Alykum All, I was just wondering if someone can tell me the meanings of the folloiwng Muslim names: Zunaira, Maahum/Maahim and Misra. Please feel free to email the meanings to r_cadekiwala@yahoo.com.au Wassalam... tell me about chat rabia_1 - Mon, 2006-07-10 17:40 hello, i don't how i do chat in chat room.any one can help me plz tell me about chat rabia_1 - Mon, 2006-07-10 17:40 hello, i don't how i do chat in chat room.any one can help me plz hello Rabia and how are u? imaginary_guy - Tue, 2006-07-11 09:50 hello Rabia and how are u? Dear i m also new commer and dont knwo how to use it. plz whenever you get it also tell me. m waiting for you/ tell me about chat rabia_1 - Mon, 2006-07-10 17:39 hello, i don't how i do chat in chat room.any one can help me plz Salam to all the friends imrankk1 - Mon, 2006-07-10 11:27 Salam to all the friends Pages« first ‹ previous … 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 … next › last »
what is the meaning of Jaamsad?
what is the meaning of Jaamsad? pls tell me someone
main kon hoon???
to sargodha
aik na malum insan:)
Salam Allah Alykum All, I
Salam Allah Alykum All,
I was just wondering if someone can tell me the meanings of the folloiwng Muslim names:
Zunaira, Maahum/Maahim and Misra.
Please feel free to email the meanings to r_cadekiwala@yahoo.com.au
tell me about chat
i don't how i do chat in chat room.any one can help me plz
tell me about chat
i don't how i do chat in chat room.any one can help me plz
hello Rabia and how are u?
hello Rabia and how are u?
Dear i m also new commer and dont knwo how to use it. plz whenever you get it also tell me. m waiting for you/
tell me about chat
i don't how i do chat in chat room.any one can help me plz
Salam to all the friends
Salam to all the friends