6 Oct 2005

3rd Ramadan

Submitted by Rabiya

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters

Today is the 3rd of Ramadan and all is good alhamdulillah. Yesterday I had a really happy experience. I went to the prayer room in college and alhamdulillah the prayer mat had been moved.

Let me explain....

I have been in college for almost a month and half now and each time i visit the prayer room the prayer mat had not been moved, despite a good amount of brothers attending the college i go to. I was extremely downheartened to see this but alhamdulillah, I cannot explain the happinessI felt to know that someone had read at least one namaz in the prayer room.SubhanAllah.... I went again today and I just keep making duaa that each time the prayer mat will be moved again.

I only go to a small college and it would be nice to see the Muslims actually behaving in a respectable way and giving a good impression to the non-Muslims here.

May Allah guide us all.....ameen
