Muslim Names

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41-59 of 59
59 record(s) found according to names

Zhareef    ظریف
(Zareef), Polite, witty, good-tempered ingenious, good.
Zhareefah    ظریفه
(Zareefah) Polite, witty, ingenious, good.
Zhill    ظل
(Zill), Shadow, shade, protection.
Zhuhoor    ظھور
(Zuhoor), Appearing, arising, visibility.
Zia    ضیاء
(Diyaa) Light,
Zinneerah    زنیرہ
Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).
Ziyaad    زیاد
spender, brilliance. Graceful, distinguished, elegant. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Zubaidah    زبیدہ
Name of the wife of the Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed.
Zubair    زبیر
A brave and wise person,Name of a famous Sahabi who was of the ‘Ashara-i-Mubashsharah.
Zubairaa    زبیرہ
Diminutive of Zahraa’. spirit, courage, power,freshness, flower.
Zubdah    زبدة
Zufar    زفر
Lion, a brave person, an army, a flowing river,, Name of a great Imaam and jurist.
Zuhaa    ضحیٰ
(Duhaa) Forenoon. Name, Shamsu-Zuhaa.Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Zuhrah    ذھرة
The planet Venus, beauty, virtue, elegance, splendor.
Zulaikhaa    زلیخا
Name of the famous woman in the days of Hazrat Yousuf ( peace be upon him), a prophet of Almighty Allah.
Zulfaqaar    ذوالفقار
(Dhulfaqar) Name of a celebrated sword which fell into the hand of Rasoolullah sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam in the Battle of Badr and which was presented to Ali( Note, It is incorrect to Say Fiqaar with kasrah).
Zulkifl    ذوالکفل
(Dhulkifl) Name of a prophet of Allah.
Zunnoon    ذوالنون
(Dhunnoon) The title of Hazrat Yoonus (Peace be upon him) meaning The Man of the whale,
Zushshimalain    ذوالشمالین
(Dhushimalin) Name of a Sahabi (RA)

41-59 of 59


basheer ahamed? wraite meaning pls

Meaning of Bashir is: Bringer of glad tidings.

plz can anybody tell me the meaning of name "SANNIA" ??

spelling is Saniyah , & it mean resplendence , Brilliance

can anyone tell me the name of "AASHMEENA"

Meaning of Imran is: A Prophet's name.

Can anyone tell me the name of Shamraiz

assalamu alaikkum... My husband is a revert and we are trying to decide on baby names. As we do not want to displease people or cause any animosity towards our baby with something like a name we would like to choose a neutral name that both sides of the family will like and respect and that we like too.

Can anyone please help me with some ideas of boy and girl names that can pass as European names as well.


it can be < Safoorah > meaning is: Wife of Prophet Musa (A.S).
it should be sound both moms & dads name,

Shukran safoorah

mariya... name for girl which european also have. its arabic word with meanings of white color girl and ,wish , desire
