Muslim Names

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41-60 of 171
171 record(s) found according to alphabat

Abdul-Wahhab    عبدالوہاب
Salve of the One who gives the charity etc. abundantly.
Abdullah    عبدالله
Slave of Allah, favorite name of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him).
Abdur-Rabb    عبدالرّب
Slave of the the Sustainer, master.
Abdur-Rahman    عبدالرحمٰن
Salve of the Rahman, the Most beneficent, the Holy prophet (peace be upon him) liked this name for the Muslim child.
Abdus-Samad    عبدالصّمد
Slave of the Eternal, Slave of the One who is need-free and the only being to apply to if one has any need to be completed or any troubles to be eliminated.
Abdus-Sattaar    عبدالسّتار
Salve of the One who conceals faults by the weil of his Mercy.
Aboo Mahdhoorah    ابو محزورہ
(Abu Mahzoorah) Name of one companion of the prophet of Allah.
Abqurah    عبقرہ
Name of a Sahabiyah.
Abraar    ابرار
P1. of birr, virture, piety.
Abtahi    ابطحی       (Abrar )
One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah.
Abu Ayyoub    ابو ایوب
Popular Sahabi of the prophet of Allah, when the Holy prophet, peace he upon him, migrated to Madinah, He hosted him in his home for some days.
Abu Bakr    ابو بکر       (Abu Ayyoub )
Famous Sahabi, First Caliph of the Prophet (peace be upon him ).
Abu Darda    ابو درداء
Famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah(peace be upon him).
Abu Dhar    ابوزر
(Abu zarr) Sahabi of Rasoolullah(peace be upon him).
Abu Hanifa    ابو حنیفہ
A great scholar and jurist of Islamic law.
Abu Hudhaifah    ابوحزیفه
(Abu huzaifah) A faomous Sahabi of Rasoolullah (peace be upon him).
Abu Hurairah    ابوھریرہ
A greaat Sahabi who is the narrator of many Ahadith (traditions).
Abu Juhafah    ابوجحیفه
A Sahabi of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him).
Abu Masood    ابو مسعود
A great Sababi who particepated in the battle of Badr.
Abu Moosa    ابو موسیٰ
A well-knowh Sahabi, his full name was Abu Moosa Al Ashari.

41-60 of 171


what is the meaning of touba in urdu

i was really impressed when i saw this site
its really great v r developing our language
i came across it as i was searching for an email adress amd i wanted it to be consistent with the meaning of my name
and my problem was solved

what does word "rafeela" mean,this is girl's name

Dear Sir / Madam,

I like very much the name of Karishma.
Can you advice me as to whether this name has an urdu meaning

Karishma means MIRACLE

--Dil Se...

