Muslim Names

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45 record(s) found according to names

Jaabir    جابر
One who repairs the loss, Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Jaan    جان
(Persian), Soul, life.
Jaan    جان
(Persian) Soul, life.
Jaarood    جارود
Name of a distinguished Sahabi(RA).
Jabalah    جبله
Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Jabbaar    جبّار
(Arabic) Mighty, One who had the ascendancy, king, One who commiserates the bereaved, an attribute of Allah, Name Abdul Jabbaar.
Jabeen    جبین
The forehead.
Jabr    جبر
Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Jafar    جعفر
Name of a famous Sahabi(RA).
Jahan-Ara    جہان آراء
(Persian) One who adorns the world.
Jahangeer    جہانگیر
(Persian), Name of a Mogul king.
Jahm    جھم
Name of a Sahabi
Jalaal    جلال
Grandeur, greatness, eminence, glory, majesty.
Jaleel    جلیل
Great, glorious, illustrious, dignified. An attribute of Allah.
Jaleelah    جلیله
Great, glorious, illustrious, dignified.
Jalees    جلیس
A companion, chum, a fast friend, comrade.
Jamaal    جمال
Beauty, elegance , comeliness, of good looks and character.
Jamaal    جمال
Beauty, elegance , comeliness , of good looks and character.
Jameel    جمیل
Handsome, Physically and morally attractive, name of a Sahabi , the companion of the prophet (peace be upon him).
Jameelah    جمیله
Physically and morally attractive, good looking, beautiful, pretty girl.

1-20 of 45


can any one tell me the meaning of damia ? tq


My name is Ruzanna and I don't know my name's meaning. My husband's name is Mohamad Iftitah. We know that Iftitah is a doa (prayer) but we dont know its meaning. Can someone help me.

I also plan to name my daughters Iman Natalia and Iman Natasya. Do those names have meanings?

Thank you and your help is very much appreciated. =)


Ruzanna means every day in urdu

can any one tell me the meaning of batrisya ?

in hindi batrisya means 32nd :)

Can any one tell meaning of my name Farzoaq I tell u something that Farzoaq was a poet in the time of Hazrat Muhammad [PBUH]... & searched but the name is FARAZDAQ... I dont know what is the orignal one & its meaning.
I will be very thank full to you

Farzoaq Ali Khan

When will i get reply from u.I would like to name my daughter "Zaina Kubra".I would like to know meaning of this name.Plz help me out.



I would like to know the meaning of my name "Nikhath" and also name of my daughter "Kubra"


my name is Nikhath
i am 13 years old
ive always wanted to know what my name meant
till I found out THIS YEAR
that it meant

can any one tell me the meaning of the name Ayaan.
