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521    cab, cabriolet (Noun)
ایک گھوڑے کی بگی ۔ اکّا بگّی
522    cab-driver, cab-man (Noun)
بگی ہانکنے والا
523    cab-stand (Noun)
بگی یا گاڑی کا اڈا
524    cabal (Noun)
سازش ۔ بندش ۔ اٹ سٹ ۔ گُشٹی ۔ سانٹ بانٹ
525    cabal (verb)
سازش کرنا ۔ اٹ سٹ کرنا
526    cabalistic (adjective)
گپت ۔ چھپی ۔ پوشیدہ
527    cabaret (Noun)
مے خانہ ۔ شراب خانہ ۔ کلال خانہ ۔ بھٹی
528    cabbage (verb active)
قطع کرنے میں چرانا ۔ کتر بیونت کرنا
529    cabbage (Noun)
    1. a plant
کرم کلا
    2. chippings
کترن ۔ چھانٹن
    cabbage worm
جھنجھا ۔ گوبھی کا کیڑا
530    cabbage butterfly (Noun)
سفید تتلی
Do you know that the following urdu words are actualy Purtagese (Purtagli) words:-
Kamra (Room)
Chaabee (Key)
Peepa (Tin Can)
literal calculation
Is literal calculation used in urdu(eg Bismillah = 786),if yes which digits are used for specific alphabets????
This may
This may help..
Once Khalifa Haroon Rasheed
Once Khalifa Haroon Rasheed of Baghdad announced a big reward for those who could prove that 786 is equal to Bismillah. Many champions of digits, mathmatics and other related fields came but no one could prove on the paper that 786 is equal to Bismillah.
I am amazed! why they could
I am amazed! why they could not prove on the paper that bismillah is equal to 786?
Good question I am also
Good question I am also amazed they could not prove on the paper that bismillah is equal to 786?
wrong letter
the english word mandrel has a mistake: آ٘ہ۔
should be: آلہ
scientific English Urdu Dictionary
I am translator, right now i am working on scince project , i have alot of problems in word can you tell me about any medical and Scienctific dictionary if any.
what is english translation name for "Falsa"
Grewia asiatica or blue
Grewia asiatica or blue berry.. or desi berry :)