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1171    babble (Noun)
    1. prattle
بچے کی طرح بولنا ۔ ہوں ہاں کرنا
    2. talk idly
بکنا ۔ بڑبڑانا ۔ بڑ مارنا ۔ بنکارنا
    3. tell secrets
پیٹ کی بات کہنا ۔ بھید کھولنا ۔ بھید ظاہر کرنا ۔ دل کی بات بتانا
1172    babble (Noun)
بک بک ۔بکواس ۔ جھک جھک ۔ یاوہ گوئی
1173    babbler (Noun)
بکوادی ۔ بکواسی ۔ بکّی گپّی ۔ جھکّی ۔ بکواسیا
1174    babbling (Noun)
بکواس ۔ بکواد
1175    babe, baby (Noun)
دودھ پیتا یا گود کا بچہ ۔ شیر خورہ ۔ بچہ ۔ بالک ۔طفل ۔ چھماسڑا
    babies in one's eyes
آنکھوں کی پتلی ۔ مردمک چشم
    She clung about his neck, gave him ten kisses
Toyed with his locks, looked babies in his eyes.
گلے سے لپٹ اُس کی دس ببّی لیں
کُھلیں زلف، آنکھوں سے آنکھیں ملیں
1176    baboon (Noun)
لنگور ۔ بندر کی ایک نسل
1177    baby-farming (Noun)
بچے کی خفیہ پرورش
1178    babyhood (Noun)
بچپن ۔ بالپن ۔ طفلی ۔ خردی
1179    babyhouse (Noun)
گڑیوں کا آلا یا گھر
1180    babyish (adjective)
بچوں کی طرح ۔ چلبلا ۔ چبلا
Tutla kar bolna
Dear friends does any body know the english for Tutla kar bolna?
Inartiuculate...means not
Inartiuculate...means not speaking clearly
lisp, or talk with a losp
tutla ke bolna means to lisp.
While stutter means to stammer or hakla ke bolna.
translation for Tutla ker bolna
The simple english translation for "Tutla ker bolna " is :
to stutter while speaking
english word for ساراسری
ساراسری is a word of urdu that people from UP speak for the subtitute of chutiya that bride wears , it is special with fancy ornamets and generally it is silver
what does duh mean in urdu?
what does duh mean in urdu?
hi can anyone tell me the english of RAI KA DANA.
it is a seed used in pakistani cooking, fail to find it in UK. plz help.
rai ka dana
I believe "rai ka dana" would refer to mustard seeds...... "Methi dana" would be fenugreek seeds.
it means onion seed. It does
it means onion seed. It does NOT mean "mustard seed". Actually, mustard seed is Methi dana.
Its "Mustard Seed"
Its "Mustard Seed"