Muslim Names

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195 record(s) found according to names

Maahir    ماھر
Skilful, able, expirenced.
Maahirah    ماھرة
Skillful, able, experienced.
Maajid    ماجد
Glorious, honourable, generous, splended, Allah's attribute , Name Abdul Majid.
Maajidah    ماجدہ
Glorious, honorable, generous, splendid.
Maalik    مالک
Master, Lord, an attribute applied to Allah Almighty , Name of a sahabi who took part in the battle of badr , Name of great jurist and scholar of Hadith.
Maalikah    مالکه
Maani    مانی
One who prevernts.
Maariya    ماریه
A lady with fair complexion, The bondmaid of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
Mabad    معبد
Name of a sahabi who took part in the battle of badr.
Madani    مدنی
Related to Madina.
Madhat    مدحت
Praise, eulogy.
Madhat    مدحت
Mahboob    محبوب
Maheen    مھین
Fine, thin, notv coarse, feeble.
Mahfoozah    محفوظه
(Mahfoozhah) Secured, protected, safe.
Mahfoozh    محفوظ
(Mahfooz), Secured, protected, safe.
Mahmood    محمود
Praised, prasieworthly, laudable, worthy.
Mahmoodah    محمودہ
Praiseworthy, praised, elegant.
Maimoon    میمون
Fortunate, auspicious, prosperous.
Maimoona    میمونه
(Maimoonah) Fortunate, auspicious, prosperous.Name of an Ummulmoomineen, the wife of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him).

1-20 of 195


what is the meaning of touba in urdu

i was really impressed when i saw this site
its really great v r developing our language
i came across it as i was searching for an email adress amd i wanted it to be consistent with the meaning of my name
and my problem was solved

what does word "rafeela" mean,this is girl's name

Dear Sir / Madam,

I like very much the name of Karishma.
Can you advice me as to whether this name has an urdu meaning

Karishma means MIRACLE

--Dil Se...

